There is an art to facilitating and coaching. It takes smarts, strength, creativity, and intuition. I take a head and heart approach when it comes to working with teams to help them on their journey to greatness. I put as much time and effort into the practicum as I do the people. Because at the end of the day, it takes strategy, people, and a kick-ass culture to get where you want to go.
Strategic Planning & Professional Facilitation
I am not a one-size-fits-all consultant – no cookie cutter approach here. Instead, I use my deep experience and industry knowledge to create custom solutions in partnership with leadership teams like yours.
Strategic Planning
I have worked with various “operating systems,” including EOS® (Entrepreneurial Operating System) and S2 (System & Soul™) for many years. Because I am not tied to any specific framework, we start with what you need rather than forcing you into a formulaic delivery model. Maybe you just need a refresh with whatever you’ve been using. Maybe there’s a tool you haven’t been able to tackle on your own. Or maybe, you need to improve team health so it’s easier for the team to drive the bus. At the end of the day, the key to business success does not lie in the operating system itself. The true magic is in the guidance.
Professional Facilitation
You can’t see the picture from inside the frame (so said someone really smart). Often in the messy middle of growth, teams find themselves too close to the business to be objective. As a facilitator, I help pull back the mirror to help teams see things more clearly with whatever it is they’re grappling with.
Having a facilitator also allows everyone in the meeting to fully participate, with no one internally having to serve that role. As we go, I’ll coach your team on productive facilitation so you can run better meetings independently as your growth stage gains clarity and confidence.
Together, we will work to build a solid foundation of trust, understanding, and accountability for sustainable growth.
Team Builders
Business isn’t just about goals, process and accountability – it’s also about the people who are responsible for driving those results. Understanding how we are wired, how that affects the way we communicate and work, and celebrating what is right about each of us helps build healthy teams. And healthy teams drive better results.
I’m an expert at helping teams get stronger and function better, using a variety of carefully chosen tools as the springboard. Anyone can use these tools on their own, but it takes a skillful facilitator to make the results valuable. Whether you have a specific tool in mind, or would like me to make a recommendation based on your company, culture, and goals, I will leverage these tools to create a team-building experience that lasts well beyond our time together.
Short List of Team Enhancers
- CliftonStrengths: Known to many as Strengths Finder, this assessment identifies individual strengths and how teams can work best, based on those strengths.
- Certified Working Genius: A new and brilliant tool from Patrick Lencioni, this tool is less a personality assessment and more about productivity to help people identify the type of work that brings them joy and energy, and avoid burnout and frustration.
- Positive Intelligence: Based on the book Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine, we will explore how our minds can actually get in our own way. Discover what saboteurs are holding you and your team back from showing up in a healthy and positive way.
Curious about a different tool? Ask me.
Geared toward smaller, growing organizations that don’t have the budget for one-on-one consulting, a workshop is a great way to learn and implement strategic planning and tools in a cohort environment to take their business to the next level.
Plus, you have the advantage of peer learning and support.
Keynote Speaking
Great speakers are everywhere. What you need is an expert who will take the time to understand your group and your goals, and tailor a talk just for you. I’m a tell-it-like-it-is storyteller who will make you laugh, make you think, and get you pumped up to break through barriers – whatever they may be.
I speak on a variety of topics including women in business, transitioning multi-generational businesses, effective leadership, and of course, how to help create vision, strategy, process, and accountability.
Recent Engagements
Atlanta Summit Vistage Event (2022)
C. Charles Jackson
Leadership Series
Keynote Speaker
Kate Dunwoody
Scholarship Luncheon
Keynote Speaker
2018 International
Roofing Expo
2018 Finance and
Sustainability Conference